COFASTRANS is underpinned by decades of industry experience and backed by research.

View the technical papers and presentations behind the concept


    • “Who Will Pay for a Port Productivity Revolution?” – G Rankine (2022). Association pour l’Avenir des Ports de Cherbourg-En-Cotentin. Cherbourg, France | View the presentation


      • This presentation was delivered as a response to: “Who will pay for a port productivity revolution?” – Drewry (2015). The Medi Telegraph. |

    Read the article


    • “Redesigning mega containerships to accommodate cargo handling from both sides: a techno-economic study” – L.N Tsaganos, V.W Nevsimal, N. Tsouvalis, D.V Lyridis (2021). Annual Conference of Marine Technology, Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology. Athens, Greece. | Read the paper


    • “Redesign options of large container vessels in order to comply better with the COFASTRANS system for loading/unloading from both sides” – LN Tsaganos (2020). National Technical University of Athens. Athens, Greece. | Read the thesis 


    • “The Next Generation Terminal Layout” – G Rankine, Beckett Rankine (2019). TECH TOC Conference. Singapore | View the presentation


    • “COFASTRANS (Container Vessel Fast Transhipment System)” – G Rankine, I Netherstreet, D Perez Romero, J Palmer (2018). PIANC-World Congress. Panama City, Panama | Read the paper


    • “Benchmarking Container Terminal Performance” – G Rankine (2003). Container Port Conference. Rotterdam, The Netherlands | Read the paper



    • “Developing a Container Vessel Docking System” – G Rankine (1999). Keynote Paper at Seminar on Port Design & Operation Technology. Singapore


    • “Innovative Terminal Design – Developing Docking Systems” – G Rankine (1999). TOC ’99. Genoa


    • “Container Ship Docking” – G Rankine (1998). Ports and Terminals Group Conference. London, UK